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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In search of new fun stuff!

K so I decided today (oh wait it's 2am so technically that would be yesterday) ;) that I wanted to go into Dayton and find a few new areas for pictures. I worked it up in my mind something like this.... "Ok you can do this, you are not afraid to be alone in Dayton, you are independent, strong and confident." I was totally psyched.

It ended up something like this.... "Ok I'm terrified...oh wait did I just miss that turn.....Man this is a one way again!.... Stupid GPS....(palms sweating, heart pounding) Where are the quarters I packed for the parking meter, No turn on red 6am-6pm so where the heck do I go now!!!!"

I was a mess. Every time I go to Dayton alone this is what happens. I was so afraid that my fear prevented me to let loose and notice the beauty or just stuff that would normally catch my eye. I was so mad and frustrated. Solution to problem..... call my beloved Tracy! She shoots in Dayton, maybe she can give me some cool safe locations!

TRACY TO THE RESCUE!!!! Lucky for me she had a senior session within minutes and they were coming to Dayton!! Sweet!
She shows up, whisks me to a few locations and before I knew it all the fear was gone, I was excited and stuff was catching my eye right and left. She does that to me, as a photographer and as a friend, I feel so very relaxed and I get to be me, flaws and all! You don't get to do that with many people. (You are one of my sweetest friends Tracy) Thank you....

I did find a few things in all my turmoil

The sky was so amazingly beautiful

Dayton is full of character

Ahhh blueness

But look at who Tracy brought! This gorgeously beautiful senior with the most beautiful eyes ever!

Hey who's this pretty lady?


PicturesByTracy said...

You so cute M! Love ya girl.

btw...I hate pictures of myself!

Melissa said...

You are always beautiful!
♥ you too

About Me

My photo
Wife, mother, photographer based out of Dayton Ohio. Will travel =) I believe in love. I cry when I see it’s presence in photographs of people I don’t even know. I believe love can be touched with the eyes as they move across the well told story of a photograph. That’s what I want to do… I want to tell love stories with my photographs.
I know Jesus in my heart and through him I know how to change lives. All the beauty I see is because of the stability and inspiration of my home life. Family is so very important to me. They are what makes me complete, my foundation and my encouragement. It is because of them that I know a great love story while looking through a lens.