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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This week's wedding

This weekend the incredibly sweet Caitlin and Jason are to be married! Yes, that's right Caitlin, you are down to 4 days!! Can you believe it? I just can't wait to meet everyone. I have a bunch of ideas.

The wedding will take place in Cleveland Ohio, so everyone pray for me as I travel. I'm so excited. Who would have ever guessed doing something I love would take me so many new places. God is so good!

I also want to thank my new friend Tracy! Every time I talk with you, you really get my creative juices flowing and it helps me dig in and think outside the posed world! Around here the photography is changing and knowing you is a big part of it! Can't wait to hang out again!


Oh and I thought you guys might like to see another picture of one of my sweet babies!


About Me

My photo
Wife, mother, photographer based out of Dayton Ohio. Will travel =) I believe in love. I cry when I see it’s presence in photographs of people I don’t even know. I believe love can be touched with the eyes as they move across the well told story of a photograph. That’s what I want to do… I want to tell love stories with my photographs.
I know Jesus in my heart and through him I know how to change lives. All the beauty I see is because of the stability and inspiration of my home life. Family is so very important to me. They are what makes me complete, my foundation and my encouragement. It is because of them that I know a great love story while looking through a lens.