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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Seems like I find myself here each year...

Do I lose sight of who I am along my way? Yes. I look through my work and I search for me. Am I in there? Is the passion there? Did I open a tiny spout to my heart and pour a bit into it? I struggle, I lose sight, I sink low but each year around this time I search for my original eagerness to pursue a moment and pounce on it like a cat creeps through the tall grass and captures it's prey. Then the ecstasy of the moment when I find myself alone, in front of the computer, in the wee hours of the morning staring at a perfect moment. Tears mist up my eyes and I am breathless.

Then wedding season creeps up and I struggle to deliver on time and I fear I rush to fast and those moments seem to be coming farther apart. I miss them. I miss who I am during those times. When the room is quiet, only the humming of the computer can be heard and I am honest. I admit just who I am and I don't run from it... a dreamer, a lover, escapist, fantasizer, idealist, and a romantic. For a small amount of time life is simple and I am happy.

Tonight I decided to take more time to pursue inspiration.
I chased a sunset.
Have you ever tried it? Get your gear, jump in your car around sunset time and just drive until you find THE SPOT. You will know it because you will see it with your heart and when you look through your camera you will feel it in your soul.

Summer sunsets with corn stalks blowing in the wind....

I know this one is a little grainy but it was a beautiful memory between me and God. It was a cloudy sunset and right as I found my spot the sun sank behind a dark cloud. I closed my eyes and asked God if he could drop it out just for me. If you look right above the sun you can see the cloud. It was amazing. Right before it disappeared behind the tree line God dropped it out just like I had asked. I was breathless...


Jenna (Cammi J Photography) said...

Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

Leah said...

I was touched by you sharing your heart here, Melissa!

God could have made the whole world in black and white...but instead He chose to let us enjoy the beauty and contrast of color. He could have made food have no taste and be strictly for nourishment, but He chose to make it tasty and then give us taste bouds. He could have made the ocean waves hit the shore without a single sound, but He knew what relaxation and comfort it would be. What a good God! He giveth us richly all things to enjoy. I LOVE Him...
and I love you... we MUST get together sometime.

SharonElaine Photography said...

I miss you :(

Melissa said...

Thanks ladies!

Sharon ditto =(

About Me

My photo
Wife, mother, photographer based out of Dayton Ohio. Will travel =) I believe in love. I cry when I see it’s presence in photographs of people I don’t even know. I believe love can be touched with the eyes as they move across the well told story of a photograph. That’s what I want to do… I want to tell love stories with my photographs.
I know Jesus in my heart and through him I know how to change lives. All the beauty I see is because of the stability and inspiration of my home life. Family is so very important to me. They are what makes me complete, my foundation and my encouragement. It is because of them that I know a great love story while looking through a lens.